Pallet-type sharing transportation system “Ai-Connect”.
The global logistics situation is under considerable strain, particularly with the expansion of the EC market. Especially in recent years, there has been a notable decrease in truck load efficiency due to the diversification of small-quantity consumer goods and increased frequency of small shipments. The transportation costs of traditional charter services are soaring like never before.Underlying these challenges is a lack of collaboration between businesses. There’s a prevailing sentiment in the supply chain, from production to points of demand, that doesn’t readily allow the involvement of third parties.
Our “Ai-Connect” system removes barriers between different businesses, achieving significant improvements in loading efficiency by facilitating more flexible combined transportation. By mixing various cargo on the same platform, it maximizes loading efficiency and enhances profitability. It is a business matching tool across different sectors.

Shelf-Address Management System– A New Management Approach to Achieve Collaborative Logistics Efficiency –
By dividing a truck’s loading platform into pallet-sized sections and assigning shelf-addresses, the information within the truck’s loading area becomes standardized. This enables the management system to assess space based on the entire availability instead of individual truck-based occupancies. Moreover, by cross-sharing this information between businesses, the entire supply chain becomes fully optimized.
The Shelf-Address Management System provides the foundation of the collaborative “Ai-Connect” system. Due to the complexities of such concept, the “Ai-Connect” can dramatically lower the hurdles that have hindered the widespread adoption of collaborative transportation and delivery.

Loading and Unloading Transportation– Reducing CO2 Emissions and Resolving Driver Shortages.
A transportation method aiming for maximum loading efficiency by simultaneously conducting pick-up and delivery, and repeatedly transporting cargo from numerous shippers. It involves flexible operations, such as collecting goods for delivery and then loading more items into the space that becomes available after delivery. The key aspect of loading and unloading transportation is the management of the truck loading platform and determining where to place the cargo. Managing the cargo and deciding on the best loading arrangement becomes particularly challenging due to the very flexible nature of the transportation.
“Ai-Connect” standardizes the loading platform information using the Load Platform Address Management System. It makes it possible to manage in detail aspects like where to load an item and which package to unload, eliminating the need for driver-specific manual management.
The transportation method of simultaneously conducting pick-up and delivery can potentially reduce the number of trucks on the road from two or three to just one. This reduction in the number of operating vehicles contributes to the decrease in CO2 emissions and also addresses the issue of driver shortages.

Enhancing Profitability – Platforming the Logistics Process.
At its core, the supply chain is a method to enhance business performance through integrated system construction between companies. However, in reality, transactions between companies are not always on equal terms, and power dynamics play a significant role in the divergence from the ideal due to conflicting interests.
Using the “Ai-Connect” system, we streamline the logistics process into a platform, ensuring business integrity between companies. Concurrently, this leads to considerable cost savings and enhanced labor efficiency through collaborative operations.